To share this html360 directly with someone else, you simply need to send the entire folder (which includes html, javascript, css, and of course the images) to whomever you like.
To make this a bit easier, we've already included a .zip in the saved location that has everything you need to share.
Simply attach the .zip to an email and the recipient can view it in their web browser, just as you are.
You'll need to put on your IT hat, or nicely pester someone in your IT department who handles your website.
We'll outline the basic steps below. If this is something that interests you but, is entirely out of your domain, you can contact us for a quote on tackling the job for you.
To keep things simpler, you should reference the Raw html360 (also linked to in this pages navigation area). You're encouraged to open that html file (plain.html) in a text editor to view it's contents as referenced in the steps below. There are just a few things you need to add to your site to enable the html360. That said, precisely how you make these changes can vary quite a bit depending on how your website is set up and/or hosted. In other words, the steps below can only serve as a general guide.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/threesixty.css">
<script src="js/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"><\script>
<script src="js/threesixty.min.js"><\script>
<div class="threesixty product">
<div class="spinner">
<ol class="threesixty_images"></ol>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = init;
function init() {
product1 = $('.product1').ThreeSixty({
totalFrames: 24,
endFrame: 24,
currentFrame: 1,
drag: true,
imgList: '.threesixty_images',
progress: '.spinner',
imagePath: 'img/',
filePrefix: '',
ext: '.jpg',
height: 495,
width: 600,
navigation: false,
disableSpin: false,
speedMultiplier: 1
Hosting on Dropbox is very straightforward, as long as you already have a Public folder or a Dropbox Pro or Dropbox for Business account. See this link for more information about using/enabling a Dropbox public folder.